Dive DEEP into the WAVES of his GLORY!

Psalm 42:7

"Deep calls to deep into the roar of your waterfalls; all your waves and breakers have swept over me."

Reach out and I'll be there!

May 19, 2024



     This morning as I was spending time with the Lord, the Holy Spirit began to play a song in my head. He has done this so many times! It truly is apart of our intimacy together. The Holy Spirit does this with many, it makes it so fun and adventurous with the Lord! Many miss out on these beautiful moments with the Holy Spirit because a religious spirit will rob them of such intimacy! This sacred intimacy is a huge part of our inheritance in Christ! The Lord speaks to our hearts in so many ways! It's INCREDIBLE!  

      He is known as the VOICE OF MANY WATERS! We can take a DEEP DIVE into this weighty revelation of our God and how he speaks!! For now I will give you the foundational scriptures referencing this truth. 

Ezekiel 43:2 

"And Behold, the Glory of God of Israel came from the way of the east; and his VOICE was like a noise of MANY WATERS: and the earth shined with his Glory. 

Revelation 1:15

"And his feet like unto fine brass, as if they burned in a furnace; and his VOICE as the sound of MANY WATERS. 

Revelation 19:6

"And I heard as it were the VOICE of a great multitude, and as the VOICE OF MANY WATERS, and as the VOICE of mighty thunderings, saying, "Alleluia.. for the Lord God omnipotent reigneth!"

      WOW! Feast on these scriptures! I will say in part.. His voice of many waters means... He speaks in MANY ways through MANY THINGS, anything he wants!  He spoke through a donkey haha! Here is the scripture...

Numbers 22:28

"Then the Lord gave the DONKEY the ability to speak. "What have I done to you that deserves your beating me three times?" it asked Balaam. 


      He speaks to us in dreams and visions, and songs! He speaks to us through anything in this earth because the earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof! 

Psalm 24: 1-2 

"The earth is the Lord's, and the FULLNESS thereof; the world and they that dwell therein."


     It keeps us in full pursuit of the Lord's heart! We get to know his "person", his heart! This is what cultivates a "personal" relationship with him, not a "ministry" relationship. 

     There is such a huge difference between a personal relationship and a ministry relationship with Jesus. In my personal relationship with the Lord, he has always had songs play at the right moment in my life that the church culture calls "secular music".  First of all... I never heard that term until I experienced the "secular church".. Woah that is a word straight from the Holy Spirit right there!  Let's see why???

     Secular meaning: 

 Worldly, Earthly, Profane, Unsanctified, Unconsecrated, Nonreligious. Not subject to or bound by religious rule, A secular priest 


      You can see both sides of the coin here. We see the positive and the negative connotations in this word. The key definition the church would use it for to put a label on music to call it "Secular" is clear, but I will shed his light of truth and revelation as I highlight what the Holy Spirit is speaking to me. Those in the corporate church that do not have a personal relationship with Jesus, they stuff God in their boxes and call it "Holy, sanctified, consecrated", yet the Lord says to them..  "They speak with their lips yet nothing comes from their heart". 

Isaiah 29:13

The Lord says: “These people come near to me with their mouth and honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. Their worship of me is based on merely human rules they have been taught.  


Do you know how many "Gospel songs" are worldly, earthly, unsanctified and unconsecrated??? Have you ever listened to gospel songs or praise and worship songs where you felt no anointing or no presence of the Lord!  Yep! It's because the ones singing it are still worldly, their hearts are not sanctified or consecrated to the Lord! That makes it SECULAR music!! 


     See beloved, it all boils down to the state of YOUR HEART! If your heart is consecrated to the Lord, God can use any song he wants, to speak and minister to your heart, and you will feel his presence so strong in that song that the Lord has desired to use to captivate you, to woo you, to bring you joy, healing etc... 

    Jesus has played oldie songs in my head and I would go to play it and literally dance with Jesus in my living room or my bedroom saturated in his love! He would shower me with such Joy and I would come ALIVE again as he sang to me through that song! It is so amazing and intimate. 


     So let's talk about this song "Reach out and I'll be there" the Lord played in my head this morning that just blessed my socks off!!

      What I heard in my mind was "Reach out and I'll be there, I'll be there"... I knew I was to look up those words. The Lord will always give you the chorus of the song because this is usually the title of the song. I found it and played it and my heart was flooded with so much JOY! I began to sing back the lyrics of that song to Jesus dancing with him in my living room.....


"Jesus you have always been there with your love that has sheltered me, to see me through

You have always been there when I felt lost and I was about to give up

when I needed a hand to hold, you have always been there to cherish and care for me

and comfort me. I have always been able to depend on you!"


.     See it is truly amazing when Jesus approaches you to just shower you with the depths of his love! Today he is coming to you right where you are to sing this song to you beloved! He is so in love with you! This song is not just for a woman, it is also for a man.  Jesus knows what is going on in your life right now, and he wants to remind you how he is truly present and all you have to do is REACH OUT to him! 


      Listen to this song today!!! Crank it up and let the Holy Spirit brood over your heart as you encounter Jesus through every word!! I wrote out the lyrics for you here, but please play this on your bluetooth speaker, or your ear buds, or in your car, wherever you love to blast your music to dance!!!! 

Jeremiah 31:4

"I will build you up again,
    and you, Virgin Israel, will be rebuilt.
Again you will take up your timbrels
    and go out to DANCE with the joyful."




Song by: Four Tops


Now if you feel that you can't go on

Because all of your hope is gone

And your life is filled with much confusion

Until happiness is just an illusion

And your world around is crumblin' down

Darling, reach out, come on girl, reach on out for me


Reach out, reach out for me

I'll be there, with a love that will shelter you

I'll be there, with a love that will see you through


 When you feel lost and about to give up

'Cause your best just ain't good enough

And you feel the world has grown cold

And you're drifting out all on your own

And you need a hand to hold


Darling, reach out, come on girl, reach out for me

Reach out, reach out for meI'll be there, to love and comfort you

And I'll be there, to cherish and care for you

I'll be there, with a love that will see you through

I'll be there to love and comfort you


 I can tell the way you hang your head

You're without love and now you're afraid

And through your tears you look around

But there's no peace of mind to be found


I know what you're thinkin'

You're alone now, no love of your own

But darling, reach out, come on girl, reach out for me

Reach out 


Just look over your shoulder

I'll be there, to give you all the love you need

And I'll be there, you can always depend on me

I'll be there, to give you all the love you need


I'll be there, you can always depend on me

I'll be there