Are you READY to BREAK FREE from the religious spirit that STALLED you!  It's time to RUN WILD and FREE with the WIND of the Holy Spirit! You were born again to RUN through harvest fields WIDE OPEN from the words the Father has SPOKEN! You were anointed to CHARGE on the battlefields FEARLESS in the Father's Love, Power, and Authority!  

JOB 39:(19-25)


“Do you give the horse its strength or clothe its neck with a flowing mane? Do you make it leap like a locust, striking terror with its proud snorting? It paws fiercely, rejoicing in its strength, and charges into the fray It laughs at fear, afraid of nothing; it does not shy away from the sword. The quiver rattles against its side, along with the flashing spear and lance.In frenzied excitement it eats up the ground; it cannot stand still when the trumpet sounds.At the blast of the trumpet it snorts, ‘Aha!’ It catches the scent of battle from afar, the shout of commanders and the battle cry."




Kingdom Keys

GET READY FOR A NEW WILD FOUNDATION with these 3 Kingdom Keys...vital Kingdom Principles that will radically REVIVE, RESTORE and set your heart on FIRE in your Covenant with Christ!

Deep Intercession/Wailing through the Holy Spirit, births the move of God! Cultivates a surrendered life In Christ and brings the right council and wisdom of the Lord causing you and every area of your life to Thrive!

Coming Soon!

Soaking in the Son saturates your heart in the PERFECT LOVE he is, making you tender and yielded to the Lord, in harmony with his strategies in heaven that bring radical victories in your life and those he has called you to deeply disciple!


Feasting on the word of the Lord at the Father's Table with the Holy Spirit strengthens and empowers you, as you digest his truth in rest; decreeing his words of abundant Life! He prepares a Table before you in the presence of your enemies!

Videos Uploaded Weekly!

TO EMBRACE KINGDOM LIVING you must understand





Our King Jesus is known as a LION! The Lion of the tribe of Judah! Christ in us the hope of Glory is the LION within us! 

Revelations 5:5

"One of the elders said to me, "Do not weep. Behold, the LION of the tribe of Judah, the root of David, has prevailed to open the scroll and to loose its seven seals."




Embark on a magnificent journey to embrace his RING OF FIRE!

Take a class


These captivating e-courses  are a great place to start, to reignite your passion for Christ and ADVANCE in his WILD Kingdom!




This class will liberate you from the stale mundane life! Discover and Embrace your WILD NATURE! You will be captivated in the WILD NATURE of Christ, no longer spiritually domesticated by the traditions and religious systems of man! 


Coming Soon


This course will cause you to Dive Deep into understanding a life of surrender unto the Lord that dismantles the warfare within, cultivating DEEP Joy in the journey!


Coming Soon


In this course you will dive deep into mastering the art of Stillness in the Lord's presence.  Understanding the deep revelation of "Be Still and know" You will walk in the power of stillness abiding in Christ, to embrace all he has instore for you!


Coming Soon!

Nice to meet you!

Hi! I’m Kelly Marie, a passionate lover of Christ, his prophetic voice to the nations, a revelatory teacher of his word, a CHEERLEADER for the remnant of God, and a spiritual coach/counselor. I work with clients to liberate  them from religious spirits and systems, help them heal from the trauma of childhood and spiritual abuse to ARISE and SHINE as lay down lovers of God and warriors that burn with the passion of Christ  in their hearts! 


More about me

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Become a student to get unlimited access in my Deep Sea Divers Group. This is where you will Dive Deep into the Heart of God and build amazing relationships with other DIVERS! 

Jeremiah 33:3




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  • Deep Revelation & Encounters in Christ
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  • Unlimited soaking classes
  • Unlimited mentorship
  • Deep Revelation & Encounters In Christ
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